Saturday, June 10, 2006

First Open Letter

June 7, 2006
Hi everyone. How are ya'll doing? Great! Glad to hear. So, Iv'e noticed that my mailbox is looking rather bleak of late. I suppose that's because ya'll lost my address? well, ok then.
Sister Jamie Cee Luthy
Illinois Chicago North Mission
3295 N. Arlington Heights RD #108
Arlington Heights IL 60004.

Or my email is Be sure to include your address so that I can snail mail you back :) (Mom is manning my email at this time and forwarding any letters on to be without reading them, so feel free to to write.)

Ok, so I'm doing great! I love my mission. I am currently in Beloit Wisconsin. I love it up here. It hasn't been too hot yet. good thing. The humidity hasn't been terrible yet. I'm just looking for the day that it starts getting bad.

I've been doing a lot of finding (tracting) of late. Seams our new investigators fall into a deep hole never to be found again.

I am so glad that I came on my mission. It is the greatest decision that I could have made. It is going by so fast. My faith in the Savior and in the great work grows deeper every day. Comming on a mission has filled a void that I couldn't other wise fill. I am so greatful for all of the support that I have recieved from everyone.

There is a poem that starts out like this:
A mission is a strange experiance,
A trial and a test.
It throws at you the worst,
yet teaches you the best."
How true those few lines are.

I love you and I am greatful for all of you. I pray that you may continue to recognize the greatness of this work and the loveof the Savior. I pray that you will continue to draw on Heavenly father in all that you do.

With love,
Sister Jamie C. Luthy
Illinois Chicago North Mission