Wednesday, May 10, 2006


Well.... Guess what's this Sunday.... Mother's Day! I will probably call later.... about 6ish your time. I don't know though... it all depends on what's going on. I've got a million and 1 things going on. I got a letter from Lutes yesterday. It was great.

[My companion] and I are heading down town to do some shopping. A member gave us both gift cards to Old Navy... so we are going to have some fun. Also, I think we are going to go down to the mission border and take a picture of the Buckingham Fountain.
By now you should have gotten 2 boxes right... one addressed to me and one addressed to you. The one addressed to you I forgot that I had put part of you Mother's Day present in it.... so you will need to open it and figure out what's yours. If you can't guess I will tell you Sunday. Also.. there is another, much smaller package on it's way. It's they rest of your Mother's Day present. I'm confident that you will LOVE it. It should be there Saturday so that you will get to cry when I talk to you Sunday. Oh what Joys.

Alright... so the thought for the day.

I finished reading the Book of Mormon this last week and had an awesome thing happen. We were doing spring cleaning and ran across some loose papers, upon closer inspection we realized that it was the testimonies of people in this ward and General Authorities on the Book of Mormon and Joseph Smith. Isn't that Awesome!
Oh, transfers are this coming week. We are expecting for [my comp] to get transferred and me to stay... but anything could happen.
Love ya, can't wait to talk to you Sunday.


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